This course aims to develop your ability to apply a selection of bioanalytical methods:
You learn how to perform a quantitative analysis of a given sample starting from the preliminary steps of sampling and sample preparation. You will be able to choose the proper analytical method and interpret the results obtained. You will get in-depth knowledge on bioanalytical chemistry and its most important techniques, including bioanalysis, biomaterials, electroanalytical methods, with focus on point-of-care diagnosis and food quality control. You will be able to compare the results obtained by traditional analytical techniques to those obtained from more modern approaches by using chemical sensors and biosensors.

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY19/20, Sem 1

    This course is actually easier than CM4011. My friend said usually the “Current topics in …” courses are actually easier since they are meant to be an introduction. But easier does not mean that I can do well HAHAHA. There is one mid term of 30 % weightage, and 10% goes to clicker questions during lectures(which I tried to attend in the first half of the semester but I got lazy…) Lecture was 2 hours per week, and there was another 1-hour lecture slot on another day but we are supposed to do e-learning so no need to go school.

    I think the most memorable session was the first lesson which the lecturer had a bag of 50 numbered apples and asked a student to come and pick 5 of them randomly. (the lesson was about sampling methods) I still couldn’t believe that there were 50 apples in the bag??? Or maybe there wasn’t…I have no idea

    We learnt about biosensors and immunoassays which are not difficult to understand, but need to remember how to draw the binding of different antigens and antibodies. For me, the hardest part was the DNA sequencing methods like Chain-termination, Illumina, and one that makes use of fluorescence which I had trouble imagining how it works. I think my friend who learnt these in a different course was exasperated when trying to explain to me HAHA. In the end I watched videos to understand better. I think I get confused easily, is this reversible? irreversible????

    Oh and the last chapter is about nanotechnology yay~

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Hairdryer. Originally published at

    June 13, 2021

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