1. 2D animation pipeline:
Overview of key concepts and theories around the creation of motion through drawing
Using characters of your own choosing you will create animations that will focus on different aspect of such principles. Introduction to different digital and analogically solutions for the creation of 2D films
2. How to create animation set up:
An exploration of character and environment to show your understanding of staging, weight, and composition and how you can create a convincing scene demonstrating how a character interacts with the environment and how through the use of proper camera placement you can create a complex cinematic scenario.
3. Developing proficiency with pose weight and attitude in relation to complex human locomotion and acting:
Building on your existing skillset, you will explore key issues and concepts of complex motion. Through the use of a live action and animation examples you will apply advanced concepts in the creation of character motion in a range of perspective settings and interactions with the environment and other characters.
4. Transfer the knowledge acquired to your own personal work:
Through a series of exercises and in-class projects, you will explore a range of advanced animation problems pertaining to creating original movement. Developed through lectures, workshops, peer and instructor feedback, you will apply advanced principles and problem solving approaches to a series of scenarios that deal with movement, weight, staging, and timing.

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