Pattern Classification:
Introduction to pattern terminology (repetition, element, motifs and meta motifs) and pattern classification (decorative, conversational, figurative, abstract, and geometric).

Designing Pattern Collection:
Part 1: The overview of essential methods of illustration for pattern motifs such as sketching, collecting of inspirational visual reference and translating gathered materials into mood-board.
Part 2: Introduction to the essential tools used in working further from sketches for development of finished motifs, such as translating drawn elements into a single motif and into meta-motifs, digital tracing, layering, adding custom color palette and texture.

Designing a Seamless Repeating Pattern:
An exploration of strategies to construct a variety of seamless repeat pattern variations and a simple and complex design composed of one or more motifs, multiplied and arranged in orderly sequence. Explained and practiced concepts and the construction principles of each pattern type, as well as the effects of the gradation, scale, texture and optical illusions. The overview of the pattern repeats systems such as block, drop, half-drop, brick, irregular, composite, sateen, etc., will be illustrated by examples from French Art Deco, Neolithic vase decoration, Celtic stone cross carving, North American Indian beadwork, medieval Italian silk, Persian manuscript illuminations, Chinese cloisonne, and many more.

Pattern Applications:
You will identify the different requirements for conceiving specific use of the pattern and learn how to apply their patterns to mock-up. Following the overview of the range of pattern applications for all kind of designs, from textiles and fashion to graphic design, wall and floor coverings for architecture and interior design, you would develop a prototype for large-scale interior application.

How to Design Pattern Collection Portfolio:
The topic will help you familiarize yourself with the terms and highlight important steps in crafting perfect professional engaging pattern collection portfolio.

Class assignments:
Four creative projects will explore surface design pattern: designing mood-board and pattern motifs, seamless pattern repeat designs, pattern design application and final pattern collection portfolio. Developed through lectures, tutorials, class exercises and peer/instructor feedback sessions.

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