This course is about the history of Southeast Asia and the Cold War. It aims to enlighten
students on the origins and course of the conflict in the subregion in the global context.
It also seeks to help students appreciate the cultural, diplomatic, economic, political,
and social impacts of the twentieth century global conflict on Southeast Asia. In addition,
the course will analyze the effect that the turn of events in the area had on global and
international developments. To those ends, the course will pay particular attention to the
multidimensional attempts by external powers to expand their influence in Southeast
Asia as well as the ways that peoples within the area furthered their personal and
national ends by exploiting, adapting to, and resisting the Cold War powers` involvement
in their societies. By studying developments within twentieth century Southeast Asia
from global, international, transnational, and national perspectives, therefore, we will
discover that inasmuch as external forces had shaped the subregion, Southeast Asians
had also made significant impacts on the course of global and international history.

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