This survey aims to provide a stimulating introductory overview of influential literary works from the Romantics to contemporary writing. While the majority of texts will be drawn from the “classic,” or canonical, works of English Literature, we shall also critically question the rationale of a canon-formation that focuses specifically on British writers. We shall trace European influences and debate the impact of popular culture on literary developments. In thus offering the study of a number of canonical and non-canonical texts, we will stress specifically the revolution in poetry achieved by the Romantics, the rise of the novel as a new genre, the experimental nature of nineteenth and twentieth-century literature, the impact of modernism and postmodernism, and the ways these developments have defined our understanding of literature and culture.

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    This mod, taught by Prof Graham is interesting, to say the least. I think Prof Graham really brings the quality of the module up, however this mod is incredibly heavy, with about 30+ readings over 3 eras (Victorian, Romantic, 20th Century) for 13 weeks. Read every week or suffer like me cramming in the last 2 weeks before exam. Ample past exam papers to refer to. Course assessment are a short solo presentation, one 2k-ish course essay and a final exam. Scored A+.

    June 14, 2021

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