This course introduces the climate system and climate change.

1. The state of the climate system based on understanding of physics and chemistry.

2. Past, present and future climate.

3. Human impact on the climate system and climate change.

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By 01 reviewer(s)

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Taken in: AY 18/19 Sem 2
    Grade: A-

    Midterm 1 (20%): 42/50 [average: 36/50]
    Midterm 2 (20%): 39/50 [average: 36/50]
    Finals (60%)

    I would recommend you to take this module as your elective (whether GERPE or UE). This module basically has a lot of geography. I took pure geog in secondary school and that’s about it. I think if you put in consistent effort this module is manageable. The prof actually told us not to put too much effort into studying for the finals and that we should focus on our CORE modules more lol. He said if we just study (not too hardcore), B+ is very attainable. Some of the content is the same as what was taught in sec school & JC geog (according to my friend).

    How I studied:
    1. Attend every lecture and take notes (like those not in slides that were mentioned), although lectures are recorded the quality is not that good.
    2. Do past year papers & practice questions given (because some questions will come out exactly the same).
    3. If you do not understand anything in the slides, ask your friends or google or email the prof/TAs, because fundamental errors in understanding can be fatal.
    4. Before midterms/finals, I just looked through every single lecture slides, made sure I understood everything. I did not make notes for everything like I started to make notes but ran out of time so I just read the lecture slides.

    Note: There is some content about the big bang like how elements were formed in the birth of stars, etc. Since I took astronomy in the same semester, it did help that I already knew the content (& more) before it was taught.

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Awesome NTU CBC Student. Originally published at

    July 18, 2021

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Easiness of Content
Manageability of Workload
Quality of Teaching