Frequently Asked Questions

Why are some of the modules missing?

The list of the modules in our database was scraped from NTU Content of Courses webpage for AY2021/22 Sem 1. Newer modules may not be updated in our database. Please reach out to us via the contact page if you would like a module to be added to the site.

Do I need to create an account to write reviews?

Nope, creating an account is not mandatory. All you need to do is input your name and email to leave a review.


Note: It’s perfectly fine for you to give a fake name.

Help! I made a mistake in my review and I can't edit it!

Please submit your edits in the contact form and we will make the necessary changes for you.

Why are there advertisements on the site?

From time to time, we may display paid and non-paid advertisements on the site. The paid advertisements are used to sustain the costs of hosting the server and running the site. Non-paid advertisements are usually collaborations with student bodies as an initiative to support their projects/events.


Rest assure, we will only display advertisements which are relevant to our students. No inappropriate or indecent advertisements will be displayed.

Are you really non-profit?

Yes! All money generated from sponsorships or advertisements will only be used to sustain the site or used in giveaways to encourage more reviews.

How can we collaborate?

I’m always looking to launch new projects so do drop me an email and we can discuss further.