This module examines a range of theatre games conventionally used in a participatory classroom to build specific skills and capabilities. Students will be introduced to theatre practitioners such as Augusto Boal, Viola Spolin, Clive Barker and Chris Johnstone, who have developed theatre games for actor training as well as team-building. These theories, methods and practices will be used to engage participants in a range of reflective processes, critical dialogue and physical activities that promote stronger social-emotional learning opportunities, inter-personal and intrapersonal skills, as well as civic and social awareness through activities that enhance team-building, trust, confidence, collaboration and the extension of imagination. The principles of practice that underpin the use of theatre games will be explored and explicated in relation to non-traditional theatre contexts. The course will equip students with the necessary facilitation and planning skills crucial for the incorporation of theatre games in the development of programmes to engage an intended audience. Students will learn how to design a short programme using theatre games, in order to work creatively within a range of community settings and expectations. They will also be required to facilitate theatre games for this purpose as part of their assessment.
Topics taught:
1. Theatre games for building inter- and intra-personal skills and awareness
2. Theories and principles underpinning theatre games
3. Planning structures for programmes incorporating theatre games
4. Facilitation approaches to using theatre games