The aim of the course is to develop a better understanding about the human body. The specific objectives are to have basic knowledge of the following:

1. Basic information about the structure and function of biological cells.

2. Hereditary material: DNA, genes, chromosomes.

3. Genes and health; genetic diseases.

4. Workings of the various physiological systems in the human body including central nervous system, endocrine system, circulatory systems, immune and digestive systems, reproductive systems.

5. Disease causing viruses.

6. Cancer.

7. Ageing

8. Metabolism.

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By 01 reviewer(s)

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY14/15, Sem 1
    Lecturer: Taught by several lecturers
    Grade: B+
    Grading components: MCQ Finals

    This module is rather content heavy despite having a MCQ only final examination. For those who have taken H2 A Level Biology, you might find it slightly easier as some concepts have already been covered before in JC such as the Respiration processes. But that’s just a small part of the whole syllabus content.

    For those who have not taken Biology since sec2, I would not recommend you to take this module as you’d likely to be overwhelmed by the content taught in each lecture (which are recorded).

    Personally, I didn’t really enjoy this module due to how content heavy and technical it was. Furthermore, I took this module when I was a freshie so I didn’t really know how to study properly for it.

    However, being a MCQ only final examination, if you study hard and put in effort, you’ll be able to do well as there are many others who take this module to with the intention to SU.

    Tips: Just study la hahahaha

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Alexiaa. Originally published at

    June 11, 2021

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Easiness of Content
Manageability of Workload
Quality of Teaching