Principles, methods and techniques of qualitative and quantitative physical, chemical and biological analyses of food, food ingredients, food additives and food contaminants.
Taken in: AY 19/20 Sem 2
Grade: S4 Lab Reports (30%): Grade A for all
Midterm CA1 (40%): 30.5/40
Review Paper (30%)Took this elective as I was aiming to get the food chemistry concentration but it would depend on whether I get the other elective in next sem. Anyway, this was the best and most fun module this entire sem. The people & TA I met through this mod was super fun and they entertain my nonsense which made lab sessions really enjoyable. The prof teaches in a way that makes the content fun too so I was rather sad when physical lectures were converted to online videos.
This module is conducted mostly physically with a few easy topics to be delivered online. There are ungraded quizzes after each LAMS video. Your score does not matter, what matters is your completion which will earn you bonus marks if you complete it before the physical lecture that week. The lab sessions are conducted once every two weeks depending on which group you are allocated. The proformas are very straightforward, the answers to the questions can be found in your notes/online. Some graphs need to be plotted using excel but nothing too difficult. The experiments are to be conducted in groups of 3-4 and mostly end early, except for the first experiment. There were supposed to be 5 experiments but the last one (the most fun one) was cancelled due to Covid-19.
There were supposed to be two midterms in which the better score will make up 20% of your grade. But because only one midterm was carried out and finals were cancelled, the weightage had to be changed to 40%. We also had to do a review paper which required us to choose 1 out of 5 research papers to review. The instructions on what had to be included were very limited and so I was unsure if I would be able to do well for it which was why I S/U-ed this in the end. Also, the average for the midterm was not made known to us.
P.S. There is some waiting time in between the experiment which you can use to bond with your group mates lol. I remember the lab being very quiet with people just focusing on the experiment, but only my grp was very noisy, talking and laughing away hahah but maybe that’s only because the people in my grp are very easy-going.This review was reposted with the kind permission of Awesome NTU CBC Student. Originally published at
July 18, 2021