Characterization of raw food material. Degradation of food quality through chemical reactions and through microbiological action. Principles of food preservation from both the chemical and microbiological perspective, including fermentation. Principles of food processing techniques (freeze drying, high pressure, asceptic processing, extrusion etc). Packaging materials and methods. Cleaning and sanitation. Water and waste management.

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By 01 reviewer(s)

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Taken in: AY 20/21 Sem 2
    Grade: A+

    Midterm 1 (25%): 24/25 [average: 20.8]
    Midterm 2 (25%): 25/25 [average before remarking: 21.6]
    Finals (50%)

    Last elective for the food chemistry (FC) concentration! There are no lab sessions for this module. Due to a change in the school’s policy(?) that the maximum weightage for finals should be 50%, the CA component changed from 40% previously to 50% now. In the past, there will be 2 midterms, in which the better score of the 2 will be taken as your score for the 40%, but now both midterms (25% each) will be counted towards the total CA component. Midterms comprise 25 MCQs each, while the finals comprise 3 short answer questions with many parts. The content for this module is more difficult to digest than the other 2 FC electives, but somehow I scored better for this module? I have no idea why lol but as with the other FC electives, there’s no running away from memorization. Be sure to allocate enough time to study for this module, unless you are planning to S/U it, because memorizing 100+ slides worth of content for 1 midterm is no easy feat. Also, try out the pyp for finals & midterms because there may be similar questions again. However, the prof said he is most likely leaving NTU after this semester, but the school is asking him to stay to teach longer, I’m not sure what is his final decision lol, but the prof & assessment format may differ from what I have experienced.

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Awesome NTU CBC Student. Originally published at

    July 18, 2021

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