As we witness the trend in merging of fields of expertise and medias, design thinking has become a common denominator, driver, translator, and connector of different disciplines. This course encourages a mix of unusual types of collaborations among disciplines. You will get a taste of the design thinking process comprising of: empathy, definition of problem, ideation, prototyping and testing. Lectures will introduce you to the key phases of design thinking. 1. Empathy: understand the user needs through empathy employing different methods of observation, engagement and immersion 2. Definition of problem: capture and analyze the findings of observation in order to create a point of view 3. Ideation: generation of unusual, radical responses to address points of view 4. Prototyping: physical exploration through construction of objects, role play, story boarding to investigate how ideas develop and take place in the physical space 5. Testing: generate feedback from users, incorporate feedback into prototype, continue to learn about the user?s needs.

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