In this course you will be required to respond to any one of a broad range of issues in interactive media. The topics include a range from historical to contemporary and are selected for their immediate relevance for interactivity in society and culture.

Once the topic is revealed, you will be required to research – to analyse and scrutinise from differing points of view so as to understand the context of the issue. Based on your research, you will form a strategy to further your exploration. This will take several routes, depending on the topic and the nature of your response. You will be required to acquire any necessary skills and knowledge in order to continue your investigation, as you work towards a response, and possible solution.

Finally, you will present your response, describing your analysis, strategy, design process, and your proposed solution.

Class structure will vary and is in large part determined by the nature of the topic and the nature of the design response. Some maturity and the ability to work independently is expected in this course.

Class assignments:
The base structure for assignments is two major assessment points:
1. Mid-semester presentation
2. Final Project Presentation and handin.

Class activities, discussions and critique will contribute towards continuous assessment.

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