You will be introduced to the fundamentals of photography ? composition, form, perspective, distance, focal length. Discussion will also cover the camera, and the essential components that make photography ? framing, exposure, depth of field and film speed. This is followed by a discussion about how these elements are used by the creative photographer to influence content.

You will learn about the various technical processes of developing and printing. This includes knowing the correct procedures when handling photographic chemicals.

The darkroom section covers the technical processes of printing an image as well as the creative process of using light to reveal the image in a creative manner. Many techniques will be covered that dictate how the final images appear, such as exposure, contrast, dodging, burning, and toning.

Developing a personal body of work:
Throughout this course will record and archive your work. This includes recording notes pertaining to techniques and photographic observations.

In this course you will also be exposed to concepts of self-expression through photography. You will discuss, evaluate, and reflect on your own work, and the work of others, in a critical, supportive workshop studio environment.

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY 15/16, Sem 2
    Lecturer: Ang Song Nian
    Grade: A
    Grading components: Depends on the teacher but mainly photo assignments (10-15photos)

    This is personally the BEST module I’ve ever taken. It’s a module all about black & white film photography. You will learn how to develop your own film and print your own photos in the dark room – basically what you see in the movies! There’s a lot of independent learning in this module as many things have to be tried & tested by yourself.

    It’s really super cool mod + I’ll probably never have the chance to do what I did in this module anywhere else. That being said, a whole lot of patience, time and money is required for this module. Developing one roll of film takes an average of 2hours (including drying time) and printing one photo can take an average of 2hours (or even longer if you’re a perfectionist). In addition, I spent nearly $300 (i didn’t really count properly la cause heart pain) and a whole lot of time. But when you see your photos appearing right in front of your eyes after dipping them into the solution is – it’s all worth it. I’ve never been so proud of my piece of work before! Also, it’s okay if you don’t have a film camera because you can borrow it from ADM.

    If you’re planning to clear an easy LA GerPE without putting in much time/effort, this is definitely not the module for you. But if you love photography, wanna try something new, have time and money to spare, give this module a shot (if you manage to get it)!

    Tips: There are 15 people in one class & there were 3 classes altogether in the semester I took the class in, all taught by different teachers. So if you fail to get a slot initially, just wait for add/drop period to begin and camp cause there will definitely be people who will drop the module after realising how costly and time consuming it’ll be.

    Register for a class that’s later in the week (Wednesday/Thursday) so you can borrow the camera to shoot over the weekends, then develop your films on Monday/Tuesday. If you borrow the camera on Monday, you’ll have to return it Wednesday/Thursday which may be quite a rush.

    This review was reposted with the kind permission of Alexiaa. Originally published at https://funsizedorjustshort.wordpress.com/2016/06/30/interesting-ntu-modules-to-take

    June 8, 2021

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