The course explores and studies the origins, changes, and reasons for changes in the grammar, sounds, and vocabulary of English from the beginnings of the language to modern times.

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By 01 reviewer(s)

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  • ntumods

    NM Admin

    Year Taken: AY 20/21, Sem 2

    Quiz 1: 20% Individual
    Quiz 2: 20% Individual
    Group Presentation: 20% Group
    Group Essay: 30% Group
    Class participation: 10% Individual

    There is no prerequisite for this module and the workload is relatively light. Readings are not tested, and the content is relatively simple to understand. The first two lectures dealt primarily with the history of Old and Middle English, while the latter lectures dealt with modern English and its usage in different domains. There are about 30-50 slides on average (with some lectures having as little as 9 slides for the week), and the seminars usually end about one to half an hour earlier than expected. Though the content seems pretty straightforward and easy, the quizzes can be slightly demanding (but it is still doable.) Both quizzes consist of short answer questions, followed by a 2-page long essay. For the group presentation, we had to come up with ‘why’ questions that relate to the development of English in other countries. The group essay will be based on your group presentation (so please do not half-ass your presentation!!! it will really bite you hard).

    This review was published with the kind permission of Pressing Realities. Originally published at https://pressingrealities.wordpress.com/2021/04/26/ntu-modules-review-for-ay-20-21-y2s2/

    June 30, 2021

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Easiness of Content
Manageability of Workload
Quality of Teaching