As a prominent aspect of globalisation, tourism entails the global creation and consumption of ‘tourism spaces’ characterised by complex interactions between tourists, host communities, state agencies, businesses, cultural institutions and international organizations. The study of tourism as a social and cultural practice therefore also deals with issues such as migration, development, sociocultural change, and domination. Drawing on theoretical perspectives and research findings from various disciplines, using multimedia teaching tools, and engaging in fieldwork activities, this course develops a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted character of tourism and its impact on contemporary societies.
Year Taken: AY 17/18, Sem 2
Grade: AThis was a relatively do-able module, be sure to attend all lectures and tutorials. Francis is a long-winded but just make sure you record him so you can review the lectures (I did this for his final review because he gave hints) and pick out the main points.
I cannot stress this enough – GO FOR TUTORIALS!!! Presentation style so it’s super helpful, I didn’t read much of the readings but paid attention in tutorial. Take notes and share slides. And of course there’s a 3000-word essay to write (pair). 30% I think? But shouldn’t be too tough just remember to start early!! Also, can just go up to Francis after lecture and ask him if you have any questions he’s very friendly!
Exam wise, I think the best thing to do is to anticipate the questions. Francis likes to set broad questions so its important to weave it all together (like most soci mods). There’s also like 1 past year paper online, so do look at it and try to answer it! Sociology professors like to re-use their questions. He was kind enough to steer us in certain directions. I enjoyed this module.
This review was reposted with the kind permission of Denise. Originally published at
June 29, 2021