The 10 experiments consist of: E2.1AE Behaviour of Aerospace Frame Structures E2.2AE Study of fan performance using dimensional analysis E2.3AE Energy balance in compressor E2.4AE Tensile and viscoelastic properties of materials E2.5AE Two-dimensional strain measurement E2.6AE Frictional losses in pipes and fittings E2.7AE Real-Time ATC Radar Simulator E2.8AE Non-destructive testing E2.9AE Balancing of rotating masses E2.10AE Torsion of cylindrical shafts For the 10 experiments, each student will submit nine log-sheets (on the same day) and one Technical Report (within 1 week).
Most of the lab sessions are theory base with little chance of hands on practices. There will be questions that need to be submitted at the end of the lab session and constitute 50% of your final grading. The other 50% comes from a 15 pages report that you have to submit.
July 19, 2021