1. Probability Sampling
a Types of Probability Samples
b Simple Random Sampling
c Estimation of Population Mean, Proportion and Total
d Sample Size Estimation
e Systematic Sampling
2. Stratified Sampling
a Theory of Stratified Sampling
b Sampling Weights
c Estimation of Population Mean, Proportion and Total
d Allocating Observations to Strata
e Sample Size Estimation
f Defining Strata
g Post-stratification
3. Ratio and Regression Estimations
a Ratio Estimation
b Regression Estimation
c Selecting the Sample Size
d Relative Efficiency of Estimators
4. Cluster Sampling
a One-Stage and Two-Stage Cluster Samplings
b Estimation of Population Mean, Proportion and Total
c Selecting the Sample Size
d Cluster Sampling with Probability Proportional to Size
5. Sampling with Unequal Probabilities
a One-Stage Sampling with Replacement
b Two-Stage Sampling with Replacement
c Unequal-Probability Sampling without Replacement
6. Nonresponse
a Effects of Ignoring Nonresponse
b Call backs and Two-Phase Sampling
c Weighting Methods for Nonresponse
d Imputation

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